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What is the District Model?

In the district model, teams pay a registration fee that pays for two events in the district. At these two district events, teams earn points to qualify for the District State Championship. There is a separate fee for the State Championship. Then, depending on the number of teams in the district, a certain number of teams will qualify for the World Championship based on the points they have earned at their two district evens and the state championship.



District events are smaller, local events put on in schools and universities. The district event can be as big of a production as the local volunteers and teams want it to be. In addition, district events are shorter events, lasting only two days. Teams are allowed an un-bag time at their shop before competing during the two competition days. This schedule can be adjusted as district events see fit, meaning events can run Friday-Saturday or Saturday-Sunday.



District teams can be additional money (see Costs Analysis page) to compete at district events in other states. While teams do not earn points to qualify them for the State Championship, they can still get practice time and win awards at the event.



District teams can still register for regional events and pay the normal regional costs. They can win awards and even qualify for the World Championship at the regional event.

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